Ethical Production & Land Governance

Together with 10 rural host communities, we cultivate 500 ha of agro-forestry cocoa gardens under a responsible production and governance model while protecting high conservation values on further 226 ha.

Sustainable Sourcing & Trade

We trade high-quality cocoa with 2,500+ organic-certified smallholders from 61 communities, process the beans and market them to ethically-conscious buyers and chocolate makers in Sierra Leone and beyond.

Cocoa Origins

Our Agro-forestry Cocoa Gardens lie within Sierra Leone’s cocoa belt, a narrow band of land spanning the districts of Kailahun, Kenema, Kono, Pujehun and Bo. Kailahun District which provides perfect conditions for the cultivation of exceptional cocoa, constitutes the core of our operational area. There, the tree and its crop have long had a strong significance for the people and their livelihoods. We are partnering with communities who believe - like us - that cocoa can change their future and that of their children.

Social & Environmental Impact

We measure our success by more than financial returns. We measure it by our impact on the environment and the people we work with: Lizard Earth drives rural prosperity by creating employment and income opportunities, develops community assets and commercially empowers the greatest talents among our farmers. Our approach to production is deeply rooted in the wish to manage our resources sustainably and in the best interest of the next generation. Our production and governance model uniquely combines large-scale production (in our own, as well as our farmers’ agro-forestry cocoa gardens) with nature protection.

Smallholder cocoa farmers organic-certified
High Conservation Value Areas protected
Direct full-time jobs created
Livelihoods of farmers improved through the organic project